Tuesday 8 September 2009

Into the clouds

There will likely be little activity on my blog for the next month as I'm off on a rather long and complicated trip, so don't worry if I'm a little quiet for a few weeks! I might post the odd article if I have the time and/or inclination, but I'm certainly taking my camera on the journey and hope to have some nice snapshots when I return. The part of the trip I'm not looking forward to, as usual, is the amount of time spent in an uncomfortable seat in an airliner trying to make time go faster - 35 hours of cloud watching ahead and many more at various airports. At least I'll be above the clouds for much of the time rather than down below looking up at them...

Take care, everyone!


Zuzana said...

Ah Tom, great picture as always!
I am hoping you will enjoy your trip, where ever you are going, and will bring great shots back with you.;))
Enjoy your travels.;))

Keera Ann Fox said...

My goodness. Now, why do we keep calling Mars the red planet? :-)

alice said...

Happy trails!!!