Thank you to all who take the time to pop by my little blog. You mean a lot to me and to show my appreciation I thought I'd mention a few of you and your own blogs. This is in no particular order and I can't mention everyone and my sincerest apologies if I missed you out - just blame my altitude-addled brain!
Pam (Beep) is the most dear and wonderful friend who is suffering from a severe and life-threatening illness not helped by the crazy health system in the USA. She means the world to me. Pam has several blogs including
Beep's Purple Personal Blog and
Grrls Just Wanna Have Fun!. Her home page is
Beep's Home on the Web. Please do take the time to visit and if there's anything you can do to help, even just to add a comment from time to time, it will help more than you think.
Keera, another California Girl(!), writes from her home in Norway and I always look forward to reading her beautifully written articles and photos of a place I think I'd love to visit! Her blog is called
A Roll in the Universe.
Alice has been an online friend for years and has a wonderful blog called
10,000 Monkeys and & Camera. Like Pam and Keera, I have known her for many years and love her views on life and her photos. She also produces the most amazing food porn!
Hilary authors one of my favourite blogs,
The Smitten Image. Stunning pictures and beautiful writing. And a dog called Benny! Hilary's blog is extremely popular and if you visit you'll find out why. I'm honoured to have Hilary visit my own humble offering and it means a lot to me.
Diane is a wonderful writer with a sense of humour I adore! I love her blog and always read it although I think she doesn't like the fact that I don't leave many comments. Well, dear, it's usually because I can't think of anything to say, your writing is just so much better than mine! Her blog is called
Diane's Addled Ramblings and it's one of the best out there!
Then there's Lou Minatti over at, er,
Lou Minatti. He is another friend I've known online for many years and a fellow skeptic. Although I think our political views are quite different he is just the nicest guy out there and has a very bright mind. I have a lot of time for you, Lou, and one day I'll visit Houston, but it'll have to be during the winter!
Like me, Andrew works on Mauna Kea although he tends to work the day shift. His is another blog with beautiful photos and a lot of astronomy as well as the most gorgeous underwater pictures. His blog is called
A Darker View and really worth a visit!
Damon, one of the more prolific bloggers I know, has his own site called
Damon Tucker's Blog which includes a lot of local news, but I think his achievement was the creation of the wonderful "
From Big Island (FBI)" web site. I don't know how he keeps it up to date but it's a collection of the best Big Island blogs and tweets and is simply phenomenal. Do you want to visit the Big Island? Just visit that website to see views from a huge range of people that live on the island. I can't thank Damon enough for his work on creating and maintaining that web site.
Finally but definitely not least, there's Zuzana (Protege). What a wonderful and beautiful person. She can't say a bad word about anyone and even my most boring blog posts have a comment from her that are always so incredibly polite and complimentary. Is there anyone on this planet nicer than her? I don't think so. Zuzana's wonderful blog is called
Life Through Reflections.
There are so many other people I'd like to mention.
Ant is a friend and colleague whose photos blow us all away.
Brad, another friend and colleague likes growing mustaches and writes some awesome software while being a new father.
John hikes some of the most beautiful places on the planet and always writes so intelligently as well as showing us beautiful pictures from the Kona side.
Blake is going through the same thing I did over a decade ago and trying to find a place to live on one of the most beautiful places in the world and
Devany has already arrived, complete with the most incredible recipes you could imagine and some stunning sunrise views! Then there's
Kahuku whose site I only recently discovered but fell in love with the photography in seconds.
I must have missed out several people and if so I do apologise, please let me know and I'll correct it. It wasn't deliberate.
Thank you again for spending a little time reading my blog, putting up with my occasional rants and leaving all your wonderful comments. It means so much to me!