Anyway, another photo from the other day at Keaukaha Beach Park in Hilo. This picture was underexposed because it was becoming quite dark and to expose properly would have meant the water movement would have been smoothed so much the feeling of water rushing towards me would have been lost. Completely blurring out water movement often works really well (see some of my photos from the last few days) but it can also result in a loss of a sense of movement in a picture. At least that's what I think! And what do I know? I'm still an utter amateur at this game.
The problem with underexposing is that the dark lava rocks here really do look black in a picture so tried to bring back the actual brightness and colour I saw with my eye using Lightroom. Of course, dealing with the noise of under-exposed blackness brings other problems! This is defintely a photo where a graduated ND filter would have helped and HDR techniques would have messed everything up.
Still, I really do like the water in this one.
I recently spent a day with friends from Hilo who told me there's not much to do there. My question to you is how do your co-workers pass the time? How many are there? And what is entailed in working by remote control?
OK, more than one question! lol.
Hi gigi,
Lots of questions there and don't have the time to answer them properly.
Hilo is quiet, it goes to bed around 9pm but there are a couple of spots for those who prefer a nightlife. Most people tend to enjoy their friends' and family's company rather than go out for the night. That's how many of my co-workers spend their evenings. There are a lot of people working at the observatories.
I don't live in Hilo btw.
Remote operations means operating a telescope atop Mauna Kea from Hilo with no-one at the telescope. I'm giving a talk about this very thing next month at a conference. It's not remote control in the usual sense of the term, it's running something without actually being there to see it. As you might understand it's a hugely complicated project that I can't give a simple answer to.
thanks. your response gives me an inkling of what life is like there. Like everythig else, I imagine the work at the telescope is computerized and you just have to monitor it...
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